Monday, 4 August 2008

Hello everybody!

First blog from a swish internet cafe in Blantyre....

If you are checking the blog EVERY HOUR (which we're sure you're not) you'll have discovered that we all got here safely, with lots of rain and lots of aches from too much time spent sleeping (or trying to...) upside down on an aeroplane.

Fisherman's Rest is a great base for us to be staying, and we are all pretty much settled in now. We had a few minor incidents with spiders...(Hannah T especially...) some were literally AS BIG AS MY HEAD. But other than that, all is well so far! We have started a rather competitive tournament of Articulate...certainly a good bonding/breaking the ice activity for our first night!!

After unpacking, we realised that whilst we had pressured the girls to pack lightly...Paul brought everything but the kitchen sink...2 ELECTRONIC BIBLE...a laptop..and a lot of electronic cables. Basically he brought Dixons with him. oh and a BILLION tshirts (he also changed 3 times before we even got to Blantyre airport...)

Right, enough bullying now! We are looking forward to spendign a few days in and around Blantyre before we go away for a few nights to the south of the country (Nsanje) on Thursday.

Unfortunately internet access is limited, and we will update the blog when and where we can - but don't expect fresh reading material every day!

Love to all

The team mmm (our new name for ourselves...)



AJ said...

Re Paul and his luggage - it's obvious he wanted all of you to pack lightly so he could use everyones luggage allowance! Smart move!!

Hope you all have a brilliant time.

Love and prayers Janet Holland xxx

Fay S said...

Ha, jokes about the luggage and the articulate.:)
Glad to hear that you are all having a good time, even though the spiders sound terrible.
Love to all
x x x

MOTU said...

I say Doom Doom Doom to spiders!

Lots of love to all


Julia said...

I'm guessing that Paul has blamed me in some way for the packing - I just did as I was told, the faithful wife that I am!